Support Functions

A wide range of services will be required to deliver wave and tidal projects, including some supporting functions. In addition to activities that contribute directly to specific stages of the project there are a range of supporting functions required.  These include:


  • Professional services;
  • Training;
  • Academic research, and
  • Enabling and supporting bodies


Professional services

Professional services include technical, legal, financial, communications, recruitment, logistics andmanagement support. Support could be in the form of a turn-key management service in delivering a wave or tidal energy project, where a contractor assumes responsibility for the planning and implementation of the installation process. As more projects progress and the supply chain becomes mature, a number of organisations might offer this service to project developers.



Training and skills development will be a crucial component in enabling delivery of the Pentland Firthand Orkney waters projects. A large part of the learning required may be obtained through carrying out the work, but this can be supported by courses, access to training facilities and other activities to encourage involvement in the sector and share knowledge.


Discussions with project developers suggest that they are keen to support such work and anticipate that it could be delivered through existing training organisations augmented by the new infrastructure created by the projects. Analysis of skill requirements and the timing of when skills will be needed could be important to ensure that the sector has timely access to the right personnel.


Academic Research

Academic research and university-level education are essential to support development of thePentland Firth and Orkney waters projects, given the continuing novelty of wave and tidal energy and large range of associated scientific, engineering and other complex uncertainties that need to be addressed.


From an engineering perspective, support to improve understanding of physical resources (including site modelling), generation device technology development (including performance prediction and testing) are important.


Enabling and supporting bodies

National and local public bodies and trade associations could also play an important role in enabling growth by stimulating supply chain development and inward investment, together with raising awareness of key industry challenges and facilitating cooperation between parties to address these. Specific interventions, for example investment in ports and other infrastructure, may be championed by public bodies such as the Scottish Government, development agencies and local councils.



To view further detail please read the  Content Source: The Crown Estate, May 2011 – Wave and Tidal energy in the Pentland Firth and Orkney waters: How the projects could be built.
